Bits & Pieces
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(Off-Topic) Fantasia > Patras’ Carnival 2015

Let me start by saying, I’m fully aware of the fact that I’m seriously behind with my blog posting schedule – something which, as I mentioned in my last post, came about as a result of the previous week being particularly mad where I come from. I promise I will work extra hard this weekend, to get all my ducks back in a row and provide you with some new and exciting content but, for now, I need to make good on the promise I made last time and try to explain what all ‘the fuss with last week’ was about.

So… In my hometown, we have an annual Carnival (which you can read more about here). It is the largest of its kind in Greece and one of the biggest ones in Europe, with a history of more than 180 years. Every year, Carnival events begin on the 17th January and last up until Ash Monday. There’s an Opening Ceremony, a “Treasure Hunt’ game, a Children’s Carnival (among others) and during the last weekend, come rain or come shine, thousands of people take to the streets for two mad, colorful & absolutely wonderful days of parading and fun! If you ever get the chance you should really come see (and, why not, join us) for yourselves. It’s great!

Unfortunately, all this (otherwise amazingly fun) stuff has the tendency to disorient you just a bit – making normal life, schedules & obligations slowly fade into the hazy, carnival horizon (and therefore perfectly explaining my falling off the face of the blogo-sphere as of late). To compensate, I thought I’d upload a few images to try to give you an idea of what actually went on this year (and what 35.000 people in the streets, at any one given time, look like!). Enjoy!

The ‘Carnival King’ float opened the parade

Close-up of the 'Carnival King' float

Close-up of the ‘Carnival King’ float

The ‘Carnival Queen’ and her float – came up right behind the ‘King’

(Close-up of the Queen on her float – waving at the watching crowds)

Then came the ‘Followers of the Carnival Court’ float

Which was followed by a couple of satirical floats – this one was about the recent Greek elections

…and this about the Greek Health System

Then came 35000 people in 141, separately themed, Carnival ‘groups’. I leave you with some snippets… No.1

No. 2

No. 3

No. 4

No. 5

No. 6

No. 7

No. 8

No. 9

No. 10

No. 11

No. 12

No. 13

No. 14

No. 15

No. 16

No. 17

Two parades took place (on Saturday & Sunday). Sunday night everyone gathered down at the port…


…to watch the “Burning of the Carnival’…

...for the fireworks...

… along with the fireworks…

...and the subsequent show!

…and the subsequent music concert!

[Images taken from Patras Events, Mynima-Hellas & PatrasCarnival]

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